Whether you’re a lifelong Christian or just beginning to check things out, we have many opportunities to engage in the journey of discipleship at Christ Community Church of the Nazarene.

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For where two or three gather together as my followers, I am there among them.

– Matthew 18:20

At CCC, we believe life groups are an integral way of participating in the discipleship journey together. We’re convinced that sharing life in regular times and places provides meaningful connections and conversations that help us grow in our faith. And through the process, we realize we become more like Christ. 

Life Groups meet throughout the week in homes, at neighborhood parks, or in local coffee shops.

Once you become a regular attendee and get to know our church family, our ministry team will help you join a life group.


Our Adult Ministry helps develop leaders who serve God and grow in their faith.

See all Adult Ministry Updates

Family Builders

The Pre-Marriage Course will meet Sundays at 11am January 5 through February 23! This topical course focuses on the...

Book Club at Rachel's

Do you love talking about books and eating food?! Come hangout with Rachel Fleming and Pastor Jenn every other...

Soul Training

In Discipleship Hour, Sundays at 11am, both Seekers and our women's class will use James Bryan Smith's book, The Good...

The Road Back to You

We discover our true selves in discovering God, and find more of God in finding more of our true selves. Join our...


Sunday Morning at 11:00AM - Several groups gather during our discipleship hour following the Sunday morning worship service.


Each fall leaders from all around our CCC ministries gather on a Saturday morning for a collective growth development day. We hear from various thought leaders and ministry practitioners locally and globally, stretching our paradigms and honing our skills together as we love God and serve others.



Our mobile app for Apple and Android allows us to extend the reach of our worship services and connect beyond the walls of our building. With the mobile app, you can view upcoming events, give, read the bible, and more.


We encourage everyone to go through our Core Classes at CCC, laying a strong foundation for life together in the church.


Alpha is a ten-week course on Wednesday nights throughout the year. This class is a safe and fun way to explore the claims of Christ and investigate the Christian faith. Each session includes dinner, a talk, and round-table discussion. Both Christians and non-Christians will find this course though provoking and helpful. It’s a rewarding time of questions, reflection, and conversations.


A baptism class is offered periodically throughout the year for those who are interested in pursuing a connection with Christ, knowing that you belong to God. Here you will discover how our spiritual ancestors thought about God, the values they have instilled in us as a church, and how we apply those convictions and values to connecting with Christ now and in the future. This class will help you make a decision to follow Christ, prepare for baptism, and understand the church’s role in the journey of faith.


Membership is a four-hour course offered periodically throughout the year for those interested in becoming more like Christ and committing to a local church body. During this class, we discuss growing deeply in the Christian life, strengths-based service in the church, proactive peace-making, and family foundations. This class is for everyone in our congregation—especially for those interested in becoming voting members in our church.


The third weekend of August each year, the Leadership Collective is offered to expand our capacity to lovingly and carefully influence others for Christ. Topics have included mental health, emotional health, and spiritual formation.


No matter who you are, what your story is, or where you’re from, you are welcome here. You don’t have to schedule a tour to join us on Sundays. But if you’d like to let us know you’re coming, we’ll be sure to have greeters prepared to give you a tour before or after the service.