Christ Conquers Codependency

In the final days of this church year, Pastor Scott leads us on a journey to uncover how we let other people’s behavior influence us and our attempts to control it. The alternative is to exercise the free agency Jesus created us for and live in healthy relationships loving with God, ourselves, and others.


Forgiveness Isn’t Transactional, Luke 19:1-10

Asking for forgiveness from others is important, but do we need to ask for forgiveness from God or has God already forgiven us? When we learn to live in forgiveness, as Jesus does towards Zacchaeus, we are able to respond with love and grace toward others, even people who’ve hurt us.



Trusting Boundaries, Luke 10:38-42

When preparing a meal for Jesus, Martha is upset that Mary isn’t helping. Many followers of Jesus become angry or frustrated that their sacrifice doesn’t change the behavior of others. Pastor Scott explores what Jesus told Martha: “the one thing worth being concerned about,” and how that one thing helps us draw boundaries in relationships while continuing to trust God and others.



Caring for Yourself, Luke 10:25-29

The greatest command has two parts, love God and love others. Or, does it have three? What is Jesus implying when he says, “love others as yourself?” Followers of Jesus must do this third thing, love yourself, so that we can do the other two in sustainably and healthily. This may be the most important lesson in the series, please tune in.



Christ the King of Freedom, Luke 23:33-43

On this Christ the King Sunday, Pastor Scott explores Jesus’s words and the conversation around him as Jesus dies on a cross. This final sacrifice of Jesus Christ is done willingly and by exercising his freedom. Discover how dying to our selfish desires, our sin, results in freedom from codependency and freedom for all eternity!

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