4/16/2023 Second Sunday of Easter
Heaven on all the Earth
Jesus taught us to pray, “Your kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.” God intends the church to be the evidence and witnesses that his kingdom is here. And he gives us the power of his divine Spirit to accomplish the work.
- Epistle Lesson: 1 Peter 1:3-9
- Gospel Lesson: John 14:15-21
- Sermon Text: Acts 1:1-8
4/23/2023 Third Sunday of Easter
The Proof is in the Pudding
The signs of salvation are evidence that silences critics of Christianity. It’s one thing to claim that we are saved by Jesus. It is quite another to live in such a way that people know we belong to God. There’s an older saying, “The proof of the pudding is in the eating.”
- Epistle Lesson: 1 Peter 1:17-23
- Gospel Lesson: John 15:5-17
- Sermon Text: Acts 4:1-22
4/30/2023 Fourth Sunday of Easter
Forgiven then Forgiving
One of Jesus’ followers, Stephen, oversees caring for the poor. Religious leaders in the temple become jealous of his life and influence. They decide to kill him. But as they stone him, Stephen, full of the Holy Spirit, forgives his attackers. Can we be that full of the Spirit? Find out in this week’s sermon by Pastor Scott.
- Epistle Lesson: 1 Peter 2:19-25
- Gospel Lesson: John 15:18-27
- Sermon Text: Acts 7:51-60
5/7/2023 Fifth Sunday of Easter
Experiencing Scripture
Acts asks us, are there new experiences of the HS that challenge our current understanding of scripture? We believe God was inspiring Peter to hear old scripture in a new way when he went to Cornelius’s home. God still inspires us through scripture today.
- Epistle Lesson: 1 Peter 2:2-10
- Gospel Lesson: John 16:1-15
- Sermon Text: Acts 11:1-18
5/14/2023 Sixth Sunday of Easter
Why Women Lead
God created men and women in God’s own image, so it’s no surprise that God leads Lydia to start a house church. What is God empowering you to do that secular (and maybe church) culture says you can’t, but God is saying, “Go for it!”
- Epistle Lesson: 1 Peter 3:13-22
- Gospel Lesson: John 17:1-11
- Sermon Text: Acts 16:6-15, 22-24, 40
5/21/2023 Seventh Sunday of Easter
All-Church Celebration
Paul preaches in Athens…there is an unknown God these philosophers are worshipping. What are the unknown gods in our culture that reveal God is in the heart of every person? As we celebrate God’s work in our church this year, we will also look at what God is calling us to in this next year.
- Epistle Lesson: 1 Peter 4:12-14; 5:6-11
- Gospel Lesson: John 17:13-21
- Sermon Text: Acts 17:16-34
5/28/2023 Day of Pentecost
Holy Spirit Show up!
- Epistle Lesson: 1 Corinthians 12:3b-13
- Gospel Lesson: John 20:19-23
- Sermon Text: Acts 2:1-21