Lead Pastor Scott Dement shares transformational stories of faith, rediscovering Christ, community, and a church home at Christ Community Church of the Nazarene in Olathe, KS. We are grateful for Shirley sharing her story with us.
Stories of Faith: Shirley's Story
- 66, 59, 47, and 43 years ago Shirley got baptized. She says, "all I ever got was wet."
- 45 years ago Shirley was addicted to drugs and alcohol attempting to numb her pains of rejection and judgment
- 38 years ago Shirley started attending recovery meetings and discovered God as her higher power
- 33 years ago Shirley got clean and sober eventually leading her own recovery home and meetings seven years ago Shirley moved her AAA groups to the church's facility five years ago
- Shirley's sponsee Melanie invited Shirley to gather together for worship
on Sundays four years ago - Shirley attended the alpha course she found out she could learn about Jesus without reading the Bible joining hundreds of thousands of illiterate Christians through the centuries
- She began experiencing Jesus who loves her as she is not as she should be
- Last year Shirley read the gospel of Mark and fell in love with Jesus the son of God
- Two months ago Shirley surrendered every part of her life and preferences to Jesus and made him Lord of her life
- Shirley says, "being a member of Christ Community Church offered me not only the truth about the love of God for me and the freedom to accept Jesus as my loving savior provided me with the safety from an inside Soul knowledge which allowed me to heal wounds I carried for years the recovery alone could not heal. It was through the ministry of God's love that I now live life free of darkness and in the light of the everlasting Love of Jesus."
Favorite Bible Verse
Shirley's favorite verse is...
John 1:14
So the Word became human and made his home among us. He was full of unfailing love and faithfulness. And we have seen his glory, the glory of the Father’s one and only Son.
Christ Community Church of the Nazarene
We are followers of Jesus participating in God's restoration story for the sake
of every kind of Shirley