Christ. Community. Church.

Mission Trip to El Paso

Are you interested in going on a mission trip to El Paso from March 14th-March 21st? We plan to...

Children’s Musicals

Our Kingdom Kids learn to be lead worshippers during their Christmas and Spring musicals. The...

Women's Fellowship/Prayer

On the 2nd Thursday of each month, the women of our congregation will gather together to pray for...

C3 Youth Wednesdays

This is our Wednesday night meeting for 6th-12th graders, 6:30-7:45 pm. We gather to encounter God...

Children in “Big Church?”

Children learn best by watching their parents participate. So, our Kindergarteners through 5 th ...


No matter who you are, what your story is, or where you’re from, you are welcome here. You don’t have to schedule a tour to join us on Sundays. But if you’d like to let us know you’re coming, we’ll be sure to have greeters prepared to give you a tour before or after the service.